Subject: Bushisms (Page 3)

I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world, and you knew exactly who they were. It was us versus them, and it was clear who them was. Today we are not so sure who the they are, but we know they're there.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I have said that the sanction regime is like Swiss cheese – that meant that they weren't very effective.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

If affirmative action means what I just described, what I'm for, then I'm for it.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

And one of the things we’ve got to make sure that we do is anything.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I heard somebody say, 'Where's (Nelson) Mandela?'… well, Mandela's dead; because Saddam killed all the Mandelas.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

They have miscalculated me as a leader.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

Some folks look at me and see a certain swagger, which in Texas is called "walking.”

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

We want people owning their home – we want people owning a businesses.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I spoke out against interracial dating; I support the policy of interracial dating.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I would like to thank Nasal Beard for that warm welcome.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

It’s terrible how those killers at Columbine had their hearts turned dark as a result of being on the Internet.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I’m thrilled to be here in the breadbasket of America because it gives me a chance to remind our fellow citizens that we have an advantage here in America – we can feed ourselves.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I want to appreciate those of you who wear our nation's uniform for your sacrifice.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

Haven’t we already given money to rich people? Why are we going to do it again?

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I'm going to try to see if I can remember as much to make it sound like I'm smart on the subject.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I think it was in the Rose Garden where I issued this brilliant statement: If I had a magic wand – but the president doesn't have a magic wand.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

As you know, we don't have relationships with Iran. I mean, that's – ever since the late '70s, we have no contacts with them, and we've totally sanctioned them. In other words, there's no sanctions – you can't – we're out of sanctions.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president