Subject: Exaggerations


Humorous overstated descriptions of things or conditions taken to ridiculous extremes.

He is so ugly… he has to sneak up on his mirror.

It is so hot… potatoes cook underground.

It is so hot… the birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.

He is so stupid… it takes him an hour to cook Minute Rice.

She's so fat… when she goes to a restaurant, she doesn't get a menu, she gets an estimate.

He is so fat… his high school graduation picture was an aerial photograph.

It is so hot… I saw a chicken lay a fried egg.

She is so fat… when she was a kid she could only play seek.

She is so short… you can see her feet on her driver's license picture.

It was so cold… we didn't clean the house – we just defrosted it.

She’s so ugly… when she entered an ugly contest the judges said, "No professionals."

She is so fat… she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth.

He is so fat… when he joined Overeaters Anonymous and they make him a chapter.

He is so fat… he can't even jump to a conclusion.

He is so dumb, blondes tell jokes about him.

She is so fat… at the zoo, the elephants throw peanuts at her.

He is so ugly… robbers give him their masks to wear.

She is so old… she was the waitress at the last supper.

She is so fat… she laid on the beach and people tried to push her back into the ocean.

He is so old… he owes Jesus a quarter.

She is so old… she used to baby-sit Jesus.