Subject: Exaggerations (Page 5)

He is so fat… he can't even jump to a conclusion.

He is so old… he owes Jesus a quarter.

It is so hot… the trees are whistling for the dogs.

He is so fat… people jump over him rather than go around.

He is so dumb, blondes tell jokes about him.

It is so hot… the cows arre giving evaporated milk.

It is so hot… chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.

He is so stupid… mind readers charge him half price.

She is so old… she used to baby-sit Jesus.

I've seen insects walking around with kneepads.

(1971 – ) Irish comedian, actor & writer

So windy he could blow up an onion sack.

He is so ugly… robbers give him their masks to wear.

She’s so ugly she makes onions cry.

It is so hot… I saw a dog chasing a cat and they were both walking.

He is so fat… when his beeper goes off, people think he's backing up.

He is so fat… he had his own area code.

He is so stupid… he got fired from an M&M factory for throwing out all the W's.

She is so old… she used to baby-sit Jesus.

She is so old… her dreams are in black and white.

She is so ugly… she has to trick or treat over the phone.

He is so fat… when he joined Overeaters Anonymous and they make him a chapter.