Subject: Expressions (Page 4)

Queer as a three dollar bill.

Quit spitting on the handle and get to hoeing.


She looks better goin than comin!

He’s so crooked that when he dies, they’re going to have to screw him into the ground.

Slicker than a greased eel.

She has got 10 foot pole marks all over her.

In high cotton

He's as crooked as a barrel of snakes.

Happier than a pig in slop

He could sell socks to a rooster.

He was shaking like a 50¢ ladder.

Grinning like the butcher's dog

Everybody and his dog was there.

Looks like he’s been sortin’ wildcats.

If someone told him to haul ass he'd have to make six trips.

It’s so hot I could spit fire.

Goin’ around your ass to get to your elbow

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse and chase the rider.

Smilin’ like a goat in a briarpatch

If you don't want someone to get your goat, don't let them know where it's tied.