Subject: Expressions (Page 5)

Not enough to say grace over.

If you are going to get the grief, you might as well get the gravy.

He’s too stingy to give you the time of day.

He couldn’t find his ass with a flashlight and a roadmap.

It's hotter than the hinges on the gates of hell.

I’d sooner be in hell with my back broke.

You could start an argument in an empty house.

If you told her to haul butt, she would have to make two trips.

Goin’ around your ass to get to your elbow

He ain’t got enough sense to poor piss out of a boot.

Couldn’t find his rear with his hands in his back pockets

Looks like he’s been sortin’ wildcats.

Faster than a dog's tail in a meat market.

Stompin’ grounds

Nervous as a hound pissing peach pits

That politician is so crooked he can hide behind a corkscrew.

Tougher than a boiled owl.

Doesn't take too many of those to make a dozen.

Barefooted as a yard dog.

Does a fat boy like cake.

Busier than a puppy in room full of rubber balls.