Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 5)

I'm so broke I can't afford to pay attention.

Too bad you can’t just grab a tree by the very tip-top and bend it clear over the ground and then let her fly, because I bet you’d be amazed at all the stuff that comes flying out.

Toward the end of the Stone Age I bet there was already a feeling that metal was just around the corner.

Skinny as a rail

A guilty dog barks the loudest.

The dinner bell is always in tune.

The sun don't shine on the same dog's tail/behind all the time.

The damned thing works!

(1906 – 1971) American inventor & television pioneer

He thinks the sun come up just to hear him crow.

Girdler,  Kentucky

I expect them to come out… oh dear, I’d better not say fighting, had I?

Welsh football player, manager & coach

You don't have the sense God gave a chigger.

It’s funny, but when you look at an old man, then you look at a photo of him when he was a young man, then you look at the old man, then the photo, back and forth, pretty soon you’ll do whatever anybody tells you to.

It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

I bet a funny thing about driving a car off a cliff is, while you’re in midair, you still hit those brakes.

Had to tie a pork chop around his neck so the dog would play with him.

I wouldn't give you air if you were in a jug.

So tight you can hear him squeak when he walks

He/She’s got teeth like a rake.

I already know I’m going to hell, I’m just paving the road.

Fair to middlin’