Subject: Proverbs (Page 4)

The one who snores will fall asleep first.

You will never plough a field if you only turn it over in your mind.

Learn to laugh at yourself, we certainly have.

Friends are like fiddle-strings and they must not be screwed too tightly.

A rolling stone gathers momentum.

When you want to test the depths of a stream, don’t use both feet.

A lean agreement is better than a fat lawsuit.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice… prepare to die.

When a rogue kisses you, count your teeth.

No need to teach an eagle to fly.

It is not economical to go to bed early to save the candles if the result is twins.

Where there is a sea there are pirates.

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

Sometimes the road is less traveled for a reason.

Give a man a fish and it will feed him for a day, give the man a fishing rod and he will sell it for more fish, or burn it for firewood.

(1968 – ) English impressionist & comedian

Jealousy and love are sisters.

If youth but had the knowledge and old age the strength.

The dog’s kennel is not the place to keep a sausage.

Never give advice in a crowd.

Speak the truth, but leave immediately after.

Let every fox take care of his own tail.