Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 3)

“I can see you,” peeped Tom with his hands over his eyes.

“The bank doesn’t want me as a customer,” said Tom unaccountably.

“I am so one of the seven dwarfs!” he said grumpily.

“We just struck oil!” Tom gushed.

“I’ve thought of another exception,” Tom rebutted.

“Let’s take a vacation in the south of France,” said Tom nicely.

“Aha! Here’s someone who can’t speak!” exclaimed Tom dumbfoundedly.

“I’m concerned about the number of people not attending,” said Tom absentmindedly.

“I clubbed a diamondback snake with a spade,” Tom said heartlessly.

“A dog bit me,” said Tom rabidly.

“Don’t call me a oddball,” Tom replied evenly.

“You won the bronze,” said Tom meddlingly.

“I invested in a hi-tech startup,” Tom ventured.

“We could have made a fortune canning pineapples,” Tom groaned dolefully.

“Here’s your allowance for the next two weeks,” Tom advanced.

“All right, I will allow the prisoners to wear perfume,” the warden consented.

“I have to wear this cast for another six weeks,” said Tom disjointedly.

“Will you quit rustling around in my closet!” said Leif.

“Here’s the story of the Liberty Bell”, Tom told us appealingly.

“This flower’s empty,” the drone said belatedly.

“Wool is better than cotton,” Tom said sheepishly.