Author: Anonymous Page 2

That's the pot calling the kettle's bluff.

He looked very thin and emancipated.

“I feel a draft,” Tom said coolly.

Regret: Insight that comes a day too late.

Alcohol is ok in modification.

Neighbors: People who live near you, who are never around when you need to borrow power tools or jumper cables, but who are everywhere when you are having a heated argument with your spouse.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

“I used to feed the lions at the zoo,” said Tom offhandedly.

You can’t change the spots on an old dog.

[Marriage] is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy.

Hell hath no fury like a wet cat.

The squeaky wheel wins.

“I’m sure we can fool them into thinking this is pollen,” said Tom beguilingly.

“My giant sea creature died,” Tom wailed blubberingly.

He's a wolf in cheap clothing.

Dating: An elaborate prelude to mating that fulfills much the same function as the sniffing ritual in dogs, but without its forthright honesty.

Marriage: A deal in which a man gives away half his groceries in order to get the other half cooked.

Great Timesaver: Love at first sight.

Sabbatical: A Latin word meaning, “I quit, but you won’t know it for certain for a year.”

You hit the nail right on the nose.

“Boy, I wish the elevator were working,” said Tom, staring up to the top.