Author: Country expression Page 4

That’s the worst taste I’ve had in my mouth with the lights on!

She’s got tongue enough for 10 rows of teeth.

Put on the dog

The hair is in the butter.

Lower than a snake’s belly

I'll knock you so hard you'll see tomorrow today.

I spoke to her and she didn't say pea turkey squat.

You can hear her three fields off.

He’d argue with a wall as long as it’d stand there and take it.

Panting like a lizard on a hot rock

Righter en rain?

If i was feelin any better i'd give five dollars for a good headache.

Where do you fall?

“Mash” the gas

A near man with a dollar.

Like a peach-orchard bull

That was back when Christ wore knee-britches.

Can't get blood from a turnip.

Busier than a cross eyed cranberry picker.

Slow as pond water.

That gumbo will make a Chihuahua break a chain.