Keyword: Committees (Page 2)

If you leave the room, you're elected.

A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.

(1908 – 2002) comedian, radio & television actor

All committee reports conclude that “it is not prudent to change the policy (or procedure, or organization, or whatever) at this time.”

A camel is a horse designed by a committee.

(1906 – 1988) Greek-British designer of cars

If Columbus had had an advisory committee he would probably still be at the dock.

(1908 – 1990) American statesman, jurist & attorney

If you want to kill any idea in the world today, get a committee working on it.

There are four things that hold back human progress – ignorance, stupidity, committees and accountants.

(1797 – 1875) American accountant

The number one book of the ages was written by a committee, and it was called the Bible.

(1884 – 1957) Russian-born American film producer

The efficiency of a committee meeting is inversely proportional to the number of participants and the time spent on deliberations.

Committee: A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit, to do the unnecessary.

(1911 – 1969) American school superintendent, philosopher & humorist