Author: Rob Vaux Page 2

It's flawless in its flaws, without a single redeeming element to obscure its idealized awfulness.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Only someone so smart could make a movie this stupid.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Fee. Fi. Fo. Meh.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Yeah Johnny, it’s got a Hemi. Too bad the rest of your movie is such a broken-down lemon.

writer, editor & film reviewer

You could do worse… by which I mean you couldn't possibly do worse.

writer, editor & film reviewer

House of Wax is cheap, dirty entertainment, and it knows it.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Stop for a moment and ponder just how stupid it is to blow the ending of your movie in the title.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Real-life military trainers – regardless of gender – never make you say, ‘Wow you’re hot!’ They make you say, ‘I’ll do whatever you want, please don’t hurt me.’

writer, editor & film reviewer

You say ‘psychotic codependency’ like it’s a bad thing.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Dragging your boyfriend/husband to this movie will give him the leverage to demand multiple screenings of Jerry Bruckheimer films as penance. Ladies, you have been warned.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Robbing casinos? Shit, these guys should be in charge of Katrina relief!

writer, editor & film reviewer

I suppose this is what we get for encouraging the man.

writer, editor & film reviewer

A living testament to how low a studio will stoop to generate a few bucks.

writer, editor & film reviewer

You can actually hear the writers pulling ideas out of their butts and flinging them willy-nilly at the screen.

writer, editor & film reviewer

By trying to convince us that we’re having a good time even as it pounds us senseless, Speed Racer moves beyond mediocrity and into the realm of active irritant.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Sun Tzu believed that becoming predictable would lead to disaster. Apparently, the creators of The Art of War couldn’t be bothered to take him to heart.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Psst! DreamWorks! Your Nemo envy is showing!

writer, editor & film reviewer

Though a scant 100 minutes long, After Earth feels longer and slower than your average PBS pledge drive.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Fool! Dost thou not know that creepy children have cursed our screens in numbers too great to count, and by now, we find them marginally less terrifying than navel lint?

writer, editor & film reviewer

It's a car movie made by people who couldn't find reverse in a Volkswagen; a puzzle box thriller assembled by the functionally insane.

writer, editor & film reviewer

As a routine thriller Firewall is barely functional, but as a waste of talent, it’s positively amazing.

writer, editor & film reviewer