Subject: Expressions


Humorous colloquialisms, idioms and expressions containing exaggeration, hyperbole & regional slang from around the country, though particularly from rural America.

Wound up tighter than an eight-day clock

Don't corner something that is meaner than you.

Like socks on a rooster

Everybody and his dog was there.

Ain’t nobody out at that time a night but burglars and bad women.

He was grinning like a butchers dog.

That baby's cuter than a speckled pup in a red wagon.

He breathes through his nose to keep from wearing out his teeth.

If you told her to haul butt, she would have to make two trips.

She’s so fat it takes two dogs to bark at her.

She was so tall if she fell down she would be halfway home.

If things get any better, I may have to hire someone to help me enjoy it.

Well tie me to an anthill and fill my ears with jam!

It's as dark as the inside of a cow.

You look like you have been drug through a knot hole backwards.

He’s too stingy to give you the time of day.

As useless as a pocket on a cow

He could wear a top hat and walk under a snake’s belly.

He’s so ugly his mother had to borrow a baby to take to church.

He’s crooked as a barrel full of fish hooks.

Jesus loves him, but he is the only one.