Subject: Epitaphs (Page 28)

He who dies with the most toys wins

Hooray my brave boys let's rejoice at his fall. For if he had lived he would have buried us all.

Beneath the stone, a lump of clay, lies the man called Peter Hannels, who early in the month of May, took off his winter flannels.

Beneath this grassy Mound now rests One Edgar Oscar Earl, Who to another Hunter looked Exactly like a squirrel.

Excuse my dust.

(1893 – 1967) writer, humorist & poet

This Empty Urn is Sacred to the Memory of John Revere Who Died Abroad in Finistere: If He Had Lived He Would Have Been Buried Here.

He looked for gold and died of lead poison

Here lies Bernard Lightfoot who was accidentally killed in his forty fifth year.

Here lies Salvino Armalo D'Armati of Florence, the inventor of spectacles. May God pardon his sins!

Leslie Nielsen (1926 – 2010) “Let ‘er rip”

A traveller lies here at rest, who life's rough ocean tossed on. His many virtues all expressed, thus simply – “I'm from Boston.”

Here lies the body of John Mound, lost at sea and never found.

Here lies (the Lord have mercy on her) One of Her Majesty's maids of honour: she was young, slender, and pretty; she died a maid — the more's the pity.

Sacred to the memory of Miss Martha Grimm. She was so very spare within, she burst the outward shell of sin and hatched herself a cherubim.

At rest beneath this slab of stone, lies stingy Jimmy Wyatt. He died one morning just at ten, and saved a dinner by it.

This man when alive was a slave, but behold such is fate, having died he is equal in power, to Darius the Great.

Here lies Lord Coningsby – be civil, the rest God knows – so does the Devil.

My trip is ended: send my samples home

“I’m just resting my eyes”

Here lies Sir John Guise: No one laughs, no one cries: Where he's gone, and how he fares, No one knows, and no one cares.

Here lies the body of Sarah Sexton – She was a wife that never vexed one. – But I can't say as much for the one at the next stone.