Subject: Epitaphs (Page 29)

Although this stone may moulder into dust, yet Joseph Moodey's name continue must

Gone Underground For Good

“Don’t Try”

Here lies poor but honest Bryan Tunstall. He was a most expert angler until Death envious of his art, threw out his line hooked him, and landed him here the 21st day of April, 1790

Here lies a man that was Knott born, His father was Knott before him, He lived Knott, and did Knott die, Yet underneath this stone doth lie.

Ingenious youth, thou art laid in dust. Thy friends, for thee, in tears did burst.

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

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Stranger pause and shed a tear, for Mary Jane lies buried here. Mingled in a most surprising manner with Susan, Marie and portions of Hannah.

Here lie Walker's particles.

Curly – Joe DeRita, “The Last Stooge” July 12, 1909 – July 3, 1993

That's all, folks!

(1908 – 1989) voice actor & comedian (voice of cartoon character Porky Pig)

“Here lies my wife in earthy mold, Who when she died and naught but scold. Good friends go softly in your walking lest she should wake and rise up talking”

Rebecca Freeland, 1741 – She drank good ale, good punch and wine, and lived to the age of 99.

She lived with her husband for 50 years, and died in the confident hope of a better life.

A zealous locksmith died of late, and did not enter Heaven’s gate. But stood without and would not knock , because he meant to pick the lock.


He held the pall at the funeral of Shakspeare.

Here lies my wife in earthly mould, who when she lived did naught but scold. Peace! Wake her not, for now she’s still, she had; but now I have my will.

OOPS!, he died – Love from us your father, Tom jr. and Mary

Here lies the body of John Smith. Buried in the cloisters. If he don't jump at the last trump, call, Oysters!