Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 31)

We’ll cross that bear when we get to it.

He's between a rock and the deep blue sea.

I'd like to be a fish on the wall at that meeting.

We're cooking on all four cylinders.

The greatest thing since sliced beer.

It certainly wipes the floor with your usual commemorative tea towels.

We should get our foot in the door and get the ball rolling.

We're robbing Peter to pay the piper.

If you teach a snake to fish, you can lead it to water but it won't drink..

That’s a kettle of fish of a different color.

When life throws you curve balls, make lemonade.

Close the barn door after you've led the horse to water.

The early worm is being picked first.

It's a big nut to swallow.

She grabbed the bull by the tail and faced the problem squarely.

A duck on a hot tin roof.

Due process of elimination

I could beat him with my eyes tied behind my back.

It's all Greek to a blind horse.

Can’t you read the handwriting in the wind?

We need to look the 800-pound gorilla in the mouth