Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 2)

“It’s my personal magnetism,” said Tom ironically.

“Someday I’ll run the CIA,” said Tom aspiringly.

“I wonder where the next character is going to appear,” said Tom with a cursory glance.

“I can no longer hear anything,” said Tom deftly.

“Thank you so much, Monsieur,” said Tom mercifully.

“This movie will be very popular,” Tom projected.

“I won’t buy a circuit breaker,” Tom refused.

“I’ve joined the Airborne Medical Corps,” said Tom paradoxically.

“I don’t like this Chardonnay,” Tom whined.

“Has the bear gone away?” asked Tom intently.

“I’ve got a new watch,” Tom said with abandon.

“I'll have a martini,” said Tom, dryly.

”..,” said Tom blankly.

“I have no underwear,” Tom said expansively.

“Hurry up and get to the back of the ship!” Tom said sternly.

“The vegetables are overcooked!” she steamed.

“I’ve never had a car accident,” said Tom recklessly.

“The jelly is 50% set”, Tom affirmed.

“Would you like some soda?” asked Tom caustically.

“I couldn’t believe there were 527,986 bees in the swarm!” Tom recounted.

“I can’t do it!” Tom said notably.