Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 3)

“Nobody has scored yet in the tennis game,” said Tom lovingly.

“I’ve stopped seeing my therapist”, said Tom unshrinkingly.

“Pass the playing cards,” said Tom ideally.

“If I let go of the ceiling it will collapse,” Tom upheld.

“I’ve struck oil!” said Tom crudely.

“England is okay, except there seems to be at least one blood-sucking insect in every outhouse”, said Tom aloofly.

“There’s a high charge for supporters traveling by coach,” said Tom with considerable fanfare.

“I compliment the company that makes the Macintosh computer,” said Tom applauding.

“Sorry! I’ve accidentally pierced your cheek instead,” said Tom mysteriously.

“Boy, will I give you a haircut!” said Tom barbarously.

“I insist on naming the first male insect”, said Tom adamantly.

“I’m sure we can fool them into thinking this is pollen,” said Tom beguilingly.

“Yes, I’m amazingly strongly built,” said Tom soberly.

“Watch this insect sail through the air,” said Tom flippantly.

“Here is your hotdog,” said Tom with relish.

“Bad marksmanship,” the hunter groused.

“Let’s spice it up,” said Tom gingerly.

“I’m wearing a ribbon round my arm,” said Tom with abandon.

“Unlike you, I’ve always been a dog person,” he barked.

“I’m putting on my T-shirt, shorts, and sunglasses,” Tom summarized.

“That little devil didn’t tell the truth,” Tom implied.