Subject: Tom Swifties (Page 3)

“We just struck oil!” Tom gushed.

“Who was in the sauna with you while I was at work today?” she asked hotly.

“There’s no need for silence,” Tom allowed.

“Oops! There goes my hat!” said Tom off the top of his head.

“I think we were cheated,” Tom recounted.

“Those cobs are amazing!” said Tom cornily.

“My friend and I steal things together,” Tom corroborated.

“Don’t call me a oddball,” Tom replied evenly.

“There’s room for one more,” Tom admitted.

“I know which boyd gets the woym,” said Tom in an oily voice.

“My giant sea creature died,” Tom wailed blubberingly.

“Lights, camera, action!” Tom said directly.

“I’m of greater value to you every day”, said Tom appreciatively.

“Once again, I read it on Wikipedia,” Tom recited.

“Nobody has scored yet in the tennis game,” said Tom lovingly.

“I haven’t had any tooth decay yet,” said Tom precariously.

“But a totalitarian government could remove all trace of my ever having existed!” said Tom unpersonably.

“I like modern painting,” said Tom abstractly.

“Would anyone like some Parmesan?” asked Tom gratingly.

“This is mutiny!” said Tom bountifully.

“Hurry up and get to the back of the ship!” Tom said sternly.