Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 3)

Roy Keane didn’t go through the book with a fine toothbrush.

English football player & analyst

A salesman told viewers that a keyboard would teach your mind's eye to play by ear.

Up a tree without a paddle

The notion that space was empty, there was no stuff there, was something the mind finds it very difficult to get its head round, she said.

She’s not the brightest bulb in the drawer.

You were at your wit’s nerve.

It’s up to them, the tide is in their court now.

English former football player & manager

You buttered your bread; now you'll have to sleep in it.

The future of the church depends on passing the torch to the next generation.

Do you follow where I'm coming from?

It’s like pulling the teeth from a hen.

This is a race where you can turn a corner, and then there’ll be another team right there breathing down your throat.

We'll drive off of that bridge when we get to it.

We're cooking on all four cylinders.

The ship of state has a difficult road ahead.

Get the kinks rolling

Zipping one’s lips and throwing away the key

Married at the hip

He's been burning the midnight oil at both ends.

English sports commentator

Right there on the tip of my brain

That snake in the grass is barking up the wrong tree.