Subject: Confucius say (Page 8)

Confucius say… best way to keep your word is not to give it.

Confucius say… man who jumps off cliff, jumps to conclusion!

Confucius say… old grave digger is called an elderberry.

Confucius say… question authority and the authorities will question you.

Confucius say… good life is like toilet paper… long and useful.

Confucius say… man can keep his youth, by giving her money, furs and diamonds.

Confucius say… at the feast of ego, everyone leaves hungry.

Confucius say… boy who go to bed with sexual problem wake up with solution in hand.

Confucius say… women are like convertibles, both more fun with their top down.

Confucius say… girl laid in tomb may soon become mummy.

Confucius say… impotent loser is a man who can't even get his hopes up.

Confucius say… of all the things you wear, your expression is most important.

Confucius say… man who snatches kisses when young, kisses snatches when old.

Confucius say… self-centered trumpet player, likes to toot his own horn.

Confucius say… a bomb goes off in the middle of a herd of cows, there will be udder destruction.

Confucius say… he who hesitates is probably right.

Confucius say… he who eats ice cream in car, is a sundae driver.

Confucius say… nan who piss into the wind wear yellow shoes.

Confucius say… marriage is like taking a bath… after you've been in it for a while, it isn't so hot.

Confucius say… who pamper his cow, will get spoiled milk.

Confucius say… wise man buys his wife fine china, so she won't trust him to wash it.