Subject: Reviews/Criticism (Page 22)

Is this what we’ve been reduced to? A film whose noise and explosions are separated from the season’s other noise and explosions solely by the fact that they’re painted blue?

writer, editor & film reviewer

At least it’s not in 3D.

writer, editor & film reviewer

I went into the Plymouth Theater a comparatively young woman, and I staggered out of it three hours later, twenty years older, haggard and broken with suffering.

(1893 – 1967) writer, humorist & poet

Another half-baked helping of the worst kind of scientific clap-trap.

(movie reviews at

Crude is the name of Robert Hyde’s first novel; it is also a criticism of it.

(1893 – 1967) writer, humorist & poet

Though I could follow the outline of the story and found some of the images memorable, the meaning of it all eluded me. There was a child in the audience, but unfortunately she left during the final credits, so I was unable to turn to her for elucidation.

film critic

Barb Wire is unlikely to spark heated intellectual debate at film schools anytime soon.

(movie reviews at

This movie is a toupee made up to look like honest baldness.

(1919 – 2001) American film critic

Purists, be warned: This scare-flick quickie [House of Wax] has as much relation to the 1953 Vincent Price classic with the same title as Paris Hilton does to acting.

American film critic & televison interviewer

One of us is obviously mistaken.

You’ll have more fun setting fire to yourself in the parking lot. You’ll be more entertained getting hit by a bus.

writer, editor & film reviewer

The acting is always good, but when it's not, you can always expect that character to flash her boobs, so who's complaining?

editor, director, performer, & film reviewer

This book fills a much-needed gap.

(1900 – 1986) American teacher & translator

Amateurishness can have its charms. But when it doesn’t, it looks very much like this excruciatingly farcical, alleged romantic comedy…

film critic

If you kiss in front of a sunset just before the climax, and then try to talk down four suicide bombers, cinematic mathematics require you to die. It’s in the numbers.

(1977 – ) British television presenter

Barbra’s only spontaneous moment in Prince of Tides comes when Nick tosses her a football and she screams “My nails!”

(Paul Rudnick) (1957 – ) Satiric film critic & author

There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts.

(1812 – 1870) English novelist

His [George Bush] popularity rating – his approval rating – with blacks: two percent… two percent… that is somewhere between Mark Fuhrman and sickle cell anemia.

(1956 – ) comedian, television host, social critic & political commentator

The play was a great success, but the audience was a disaster.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

Red Tails is a lousy film. Not wincingly bad, mind you, just mediocre.

film critic

After Earth merits comparison with 2000’s Battlefield Earth, John Travolta’s godawful film tribute to the sci-fi novel by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Yes, it’s that bad.

American film critic & televison interviewer