Subject: Reviews/Criticism (Page 24)

It’s obvious that nobody believed in this project longer than it took for the check to clear.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Avoid all needle drugs – the only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon.

(1936 – 1989) American social & political activist

Orlando Bloom was so wooden he could have played the horse.

Irish film critic

Reading Proust is like bathing in someone else's dirty water.

(1887 – 1943) theater critic & commentator

At least it’s not in 3D.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Trump’s nothing like Hitler… there’s no way he could write a book.

(1972 – ) Scottish comedian

There’s a certain irony in having a timeless tale about a man finding his soul being told in the most soulless way possible.

film critic

Red Tails is a lousy film. Not wincingly bad, mind you, just mediocre.

film critic

Captain America is a movie where nothing really happens until just before the very end, when the director accidentally filmed a few action sequences but made sure that the main bad guy wasn’t involved whatsoever. Then nothing happens, again, then roll credits.

(movie reviews at

Which is he playing now?

(1874 – 1965) English dramatist & novelist

It's the worst kind of bad film: the kind that gets you all worked up and then lets you down, instead of just being lousy from the first shot.

(1942 – 2013) American film critic, journalist & screenwriter

Michael Madsen? Michelle Rodriguez? ‘I’ll take “Actors Who Should Never Appear in Period Pieces” for $500, Alex.’

writer, editor & film reviewer

To call Jackass the worst movie of the year is practically a compliment. It is an appalling illustration of how low corporate America will go to make a buck.

If an artist has talent, he needs no other critic.

American writer

Like watching an affair between a mad rocking-horse and a rawhide suitcase.

(1899 – 1973) English playwright, actor, composer, director & songwriter

Amateurishness can have its charms. But when it doesn’t, it looks very much like this excruciatingly farcical, alleged romantic comedy…

film critic

I have knocked everything but the knees of the chorus girls, and nature has anticipated me there.

(1873–1936) American theater critic

As I watched Pacific Rim I could literally feel myself shedding IQ points the way Kate Hudson sheds a big lunch in the bathroom of the Beverly Hills Hotel.

American film critic

The incompetent who directed this film is Mike Mitchell, who’s probably some buddy of (Rob) Schneider and Adam Sandler, and whose main talent up until this point was cleaning potato chip crumbs off Sandler’s couch.

(movie reviews at

I can sum it up like this: no boobs, no blood, no point. Walk away from this one please!

film critic

You can't watch it without being convinced that the Americans are doomed… Springer assembles the white trash, not to mention the black trash, the Hispanic trash, and every other category of bozo in these United States, and sets them loose to abuse one another for our entertainment.

(1961 – ) Irish journalist, writer & playwright