Subject: Reviews/Criticism (Page 8)

Sun Tzu believed that becoming predictable would lead to disaster. Apparently, the creators of The Art of War couldn’t be bothered to take him to heart.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Even those who call Mr. Faulkner our greatest literary sadist do not fully appreciate him, for it is not merely his characters who have to run the gauntlet but also his readers.

(1904 – 1999) author, editor, radio host

Tallulah Bankhead barged down the Nile last night as Cleopatra – and sank.

(1900 – 1969) American drama critic & author

I will one day be thin… but Vincent Gallo will always be the director of The Brown Bunny.

(1942 – 2013) American film critic, journalist & screenwriter

This is an old idea, beautifully expressed by Wordsworth, who said, ‘Heaven lies about us in our infancy.’ If I could quote the whole poem instead of completing this review, believe me, we’d all be happier. But I press on.

(1942 – 2013) American film critic, journalist & screenwriter

I’d rather spend my 180 minutes seeing how hard a 400-pound gorilla can tighten a vise around my penis before I pass out from the pain.

(movie reviews at

Darn the luck, viewers apparently have decided to demand competent acting, a direct threat to NBC’s Titans.

American film critic

Imagine a terrible TV sitcom stretched, horribly and inexplicably, to 90 minutes, and you’ve got the general idea of The Big Wedding.

movie critic

It was a book to kill time for those who like it better dead.

(1881 – 1958) English novelist

There’s a bright young director behind Silent Hill: Revelation and a very strong cast to bring the story to life, but the movie is still terrible.

movie critic

Long experience has taught me that to be criticized is not always to be wrong.

(1897 – 1977) British politician & Prime Minister

Did the studio put so little faith in this snowball of ineptitude that the filmmakers couldn’t even afford a tripod?

film critic

The works of Richardson… are pictures of high life as conceived by a bookseller, and romances as they would be spiritualized by a Methodist preacher.

(1717 – 1797) English art historian, antiquarian & politician

Charles Dickens, dead, writes more than [American playwright] Marc Connelly alive.

(1889 – 1961) Am. playwright, theater director & producer & humorist

I would much rather see two hours of [Robert Downey, Jr.] improvising without any script, than watch five minutes of Zach Galifianakis’ tired shtick.

film critic

This book of essays… has all the depth and glitter of a worn dime.

(1893 – 1967) writer, humorist & poet

Wet she’s a star; dry she ain’t.

(1891 – 1951) comedian, singer, theater & film actress

Several tons of dynamite are set off in this picture – none of it under the right people.

(1909 – 1955) American author, journalist, poet, screenwriter & film critic

Your expectations of how bad The Lone Ranger is can’t trump the reality.

American film critic & televison interviewer

… it’s about as entertaining as being pulled over by U.S. customs.

(1954 – ) British writer & critic

Parents: If you encounter teenagers who say they liked this movie, do not let them date your children.

(1942 – 2013) American film critic, journalist & screenwriter