Subject: Sports » Boxing (Page 3)

Every time I hear the name Joe Louis my nose starts to bleed.

British boxing champion

Earnie Shavers could punch you in the neck and break your ankle.

(1950 – ) American boxer & actor

Howard Cosell is nobody’s fool. He’s everybody’s fool.

(1942 – ) American boxing champion

Peter McNeeley dived in with overarm shots like a child hurriedly learning the doggie paddle in the deep end.

(1944 – ) British sportswriter

Earnie hit me so hard, it shook my kinfolk back in Africa.

(1942 – ) American boxing champion

Frank Bruno says I'm chicken. Well you can tell him I've come home to roost.

American boxer

Francesco Damiani punches with all the violence and bad intentions of Mahatma Gandhi.

American sportswriter

He'll have a lot of fun. George will keep him in stitches.

boxing physician

Don King doesn't care about black or white. He just cares about green.

American boxing champion

He now floats like an anchor, stings like a moth.

Brian London possesses the most unbeautiful face – it looks as if it, at one time, fell apart and was reassembled by a drunken mechanic.

English broadcaster, journalist & author

Muhammad Ali was on a plane when a stewardess asked him to fasten his seat belt. Ali told the lady: Superman don't need no seat belt.
The stewardess told the champ: Superman don't need no plane!

(1942 – ) American boxing champion

I've made the national anthem a six-point underdog.

American sports commentator & oddsmaker

I was once knocked out by a Mexican bantamweight – six of my pals were swinging him around by his heels at the time.

(1950 – ) American boxer & actor

If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize.

(1942 – ) American boxing champion

Why waltz 10 rounds with an opponent if you can KO him in one?

American boxing champion

My punches are just as hard in Chicago as in New York.

American professional boxer

It would be like the elephants standing up on two feet. It would be like the man being shot out of the cannon. It would be like a woman with a beard down to the floor. It would be the greatest show on earth.

(1949 – ) American boxing champion

With four sisters about the house, I could never get my hands on a comb.

American boxing champion

The question looming over Magri, is not will he keep the title, but can he?

British sports commentator

I got a guy who's short, stoop shouldered and balding with two left feet. They all look better than he does as far as the moves are concerned, but they don't look so good on the canvas.

American boxing trainer