Author: Country expression Page 40

He’s as poor as Job’s turkey.

Well look what the cat dragged in.

Like a bug arguing with a chicken

Rest your coat.

Spread the table.

Don’t let the tail wag the dog.

That possum's on the stump.

Lower than a snake’s belly

It's hotter than the four sides of Hell.

He's as happy as if he had good sense.

He wouldn’t holler sooey if the hogs was eatin’ em.

He’s three limbs up a willa.

Watch him; he'll slip a baby copperhead in your pocket, then ask you for a light.

Them dumplin's are so good, they'll make you want to slap your momma!

Busted two sets of knee caps

So ugly no fly would land on ‘em

Within a lash

He gets Tuesday’s paper on Friday.

Sittin’ on the amen corner

Life is simpler when you plow around the stumps.

You’ve got the saw by the wrong tree.