Keyword: Bureaucracy (Page 2)

If anything can go wrong, it will do so in triplicate.

A sure sign of bureaucracy is when the first person who answers the phone can’t help you.

Of all possible committee reactions to any given agenda item, the reaction that will occur is the one which will liberate the greatest amount of hot air.

Bureaucracy is based on a willingness to either pass the buck or spend it.

1. Never use one word when a dozen will suffice.
2. If it can be understood, it's not finished yet.
3. Never be the first to do anything.

Bureaucracy: A system that enables ten men to do the work of one.

The organization of any bureaucracy is very much like a septic tank. The really big chunks always rise to the top.

In a bureaucratic hierarchy, the higher up the organization the less people appreciate Murphy's Law.

Communism is like one big phone company.

(1923 – 1966) stand-up comedian, writer, social critic & satirist

The spirit of public service will rise, and the bureaucracy will multiply itself much faster, in time of grave national concern.

Any bureaucracy reorganized to enhance efficiency is immediately indistinguishable from its predecessor.