Subject: Colemanballs (Page 7)

He’s one of those footballers whose brains are in his head.

Scottish football player

I'd like to play for an Italian club, like Barcelona.

The midfield picks itself: Beckham, Scholes, Gerrard and A.N. Other.

English football player

Jim Rosenthal to an American goalie: So what’s an American doing playing in goal for Millwall.

The goalie’s reply: I’m trying to keep the ball out.

If there’s one thing Gus Uhlenbeek’s got, it’s pace and determination.

Tottenham have impressed me; they haven’t thrown in the towel even though they have been under the gun.

English football player

And at the end of the season you can only do as well as what you have done.

English football player & manager

The dice are stacked against them.

Irish football player & manager

England are numerically outnumbered in the midfield.

English football player & announcer

… and it (the ball) just crept on either side of the post.

English football player & commentator

Look at those olive trees – they’re two hundred years old – from before the time of Christ!

British football commentator

You’re either very good or very bad, there’s no in between; we were in between.

English football player & sportscaster

Howard Kahn, a lecturer at Edinburgh’s Heriot Watt University, has studied the matter intently and says he’s figured out why Scottish soccer teams can’t seem to win World Cup and other competitions; they’re not good players.

We estimate, and this isn’t an estimation, that Greta Waitz is 80 seconds behind.

(1926 – ) English sports commentator

Figo is as important to England as Beckham is.

English football player & announcer

The lad got over excited when he saw the whites of the goalposts eyes.

English football player

Well, I’ve seen some tackles, Jonathan, but that was the ultimatum!

English football player & manager

Scoring the first goal in soccer is very important, because your opponent is then faced with the task of having to score one to draw level and two to take the lead.

It was a good match, which could have gone either way and very nearly did.

One year I played 15 months.

German football player, coach & manager

He looks as though he’s been playing for England all his international career.

English football player & analyst