Subject: Government » Congress (Page 2)

The difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.

(1879 – 1935) humorist & social commentator

Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress but I repeat myself.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

Isn't it great to live in a society where the penalty for lying to a congressman can be up to 30 years in jail, but the penalty for a congressman lying to you is another two years in office.

(1955 – ) American sportswriter

There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

Those that respect the law and love sausage should watch neither being made.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

Congress: A body of men brought together to slow down the government.


(1908 – 1973) 36th U.S. president

The mistakes made by Congress wouldn't be so bad if the next Congress didn't keep trying to correct them.

(1923 – ) American quote & quip writer

The legislature's job is to write law; it's the executive branch's job to interpret law.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US. Congress.

(1911 – 2004) 40th U.S. president & actor

I understand that Congress has taken the first step in the fight against air pollution: limiting the speeches to five minutes.

When they call the roll in the Senate, the senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.'

(1858 – 1919) 26th U.S. president

Congress: A place where there are too many Democratic congressmen, too many Republican congressmen – and not enough U.S. Congressmen.

The difference between a whore and a congressman is that a congressman makes more money.

(1927 – 1989) author, essayist & environmentalist

Congress: A strange forum where people get up and speak, nobody listens, and then everyone disagrees at the top of their lungs.

Space expands to house the people to perform the work that Congress creates.

Congress is so strange; a man gets up to speak and says nothing – nobody listens—and then everybody disagrees.

(1898 – 1967) Russian writer

Senate: A body of elderly gentlemen charged with high duties and misdemeanors.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist