Author: Frank ‘Kin’ Hubbard Page 4

The only way to entertain some folks is to listen to them.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

The man who says "I may be wrong, but… " does not believe there can be any such possibility.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

The worst sensation I know of is getting up at night and stepping on a toy train.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

An optimist is a fellow who believes what's going to be will be postponed.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Now I know what a statesman is; he's a dead politician.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

I'll say this for adversity: people seem to be able to stand it, and that's more than I can say for prosperity.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

The fellow that owns his own home is always just coming out of a hardware store.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

A loafer always has the correct time.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Some people pay a compliment as if they expected a receipt.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Nothing’s as mean as giving a little child something useful for Christmas.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Honesty pays, but it doesn't seem to pay enough to suit some people.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

It's what a fellow thinks he knows that hurts him.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Kindness goes a long ways lots o' times when it ought t' stay at home.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist