Subject: Malaprops (Page 29)

And that's the crutch of the situation.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Please excuse Timmy from school Friday. He has very loose vowels.

I was under the dress.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Flying saucers are just an optical conclusion.

The acrobats are performing freaks at the circus.

Passed with flying carpets.

Ye is the plurable of you.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

[commenting on a woman's perfume] It infiltrates the nosetrils.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

As our President said in his renegurial address.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

The devil and all his nimps.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

I think I've got the mucus of a good team.

A lot of people are leaving the company; the nutrition rate is very high.

He was a man of great statue.

It’s evaporooted a little bit there.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

She has extra-century perception.

You’re sicker than me? Edith, get me the other fomometer.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

The most important decision is that of excepting Jesus in your life.

She takes everything I say out of contest.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

He received a decease and desist order.

I'm going to hold my breast until I turn blue.

(1971 – ) American actress

handle him with kids’ gloves