Subject: Problems (Page 20)

There are coexisting elements in frustration phenomena which separate expected results from achieved results.

Nothing is easy.

If you mess with something long enough, it'll break.

If at first you don't succeed, try try again… then quit; there's no use being a damn fool about it.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

We still… cannot catch Osama bin Laden, but we nailed Martha Stewart's ass to the wall.

(1964 – ) American comedian & actor

Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience.

(1919 – 1990) educator & writer

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at and repair.

(1952 – 2001) English writer, dramatist, & musician

I always turn to the sports pages first, which records people's accomplishments; the front page has nothing but man’s failures.

(1891 – 1974) 14th U.S. Chief Justice & politician

Accident: Any negligent or malicious behavior performed by someone with a clever lawyer.

British writer, cartoonist, poet & performer

Experience is what makes you pause briefly before going ahead and making the same mistake.

fictional mascot and cover boy of Mad, an American humor magazine

Of two possible events, only the undesired one will occur.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Flying pests are more likely to enter the ears, eyes, nose and throat when both hands are in use.

Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

The leading cause of hot air balloon crashes is blowing an open flame into a f**king cloth balloon with a basket attached.

(1973 – ) American writer, stand-up comedian, actor, director & producer

If most auto accidents happen within five miles of home, why don’t we move ten miles away?

The good Lord never gives you more than you can handle… unless you die of something.

(1935 – ) American cartoonist

1. Nothing minor ever happens to a car on the weekend. 2. Nothing minor ever happens to a car on a trip. 3. Nothing minor ever happens to a car.

Nothing you can’t spell will ever work.

(1879 – 1935) humorist & social commentator

Washing machines only break down during the wash cycle.
Corollary: All breakdowns occur on the plumber's day off.

If you think the problem is bad now, just wait until we've solved it.