Keyword: Speed (Page 2)

Bus: A vehicle that runs faster when you run after it and runs slowly when you are inside it.

I put a new engine in my car, but I didn't take the other one out; now I can go 500 mph.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

Problem with [John] Wockenfuss getting on base is that it takes three doubles to score him.

(1934 – 2010) American baseball manager

The speed of exit of a civil servant is directly proportional to the quality of his service.

Slow as Christmas

That was faster than green grass through a goose.

Faster than a scalded dog

Remember folks, stop lights timed for 35 mph are also timed for 70 mph.

(1948 – 1990) comedian

Nothing in the known universe travels faster than a bad check.

I put a new engine in my car, but didn’t take the old one out and now my car goes 500 miles an hour.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

Going fast while you are lost won't help a bit.

Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on earth, with a top speed of 120 ft/sec, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter.

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on earth, with a top speed of 120 ft/sec, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter.

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

Every car has a lot of speed in it. The trick is getting the speed out of it.

American auto racer

Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.

The vehicle in front of you is traveling slower than you are.