Subject: Animals (Page 2)

Dog Kennel: A barking lot.

So, You’ve Got a Fat Pussy

A bird in the hand is dead.

Horses just naturally have Mohawk haircuts.

He's as big as a gorilla and as strong as a gorilla; if he was as smart as a gorilla he'd be fine.

college football coach

Most jobs resemble a sled dog team: no one gets a change of scenery, except the lead dog.

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.

(1890 – 1977) comedian, actor & television host

For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks.

(1948 – ) English novelist

It's only when you look at an ant through a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realize how often they burst into flames.

(1964 – ) English comedian, author & television presenter

Did you know a bird is the only animal that you can throw and you’d be helping it?


If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; this is the principal difference between dog and man.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

You might be a redneck if… you can get dog hair from out of your belly button.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

Riding: The art of keeping a horse between yourself and the ground.

Whoa!: A brake for horses.

Caterpillar: An upholstered worm.

When turkeys mate they think of swans.

(1925 – 2005) television host

I wanna put stickers on turtles… I don’t know why.

(1973 – ) American comedian

I’m fond of pigs… dogs look up to us… cats look down on us… pigs treat us as equal.

(1874 – 1965) British prime minister, politician, statesman & orator

It all started when my dog began getting free roll over minutes.

(1966 – ) American stand-up comic

I worked in a pet store and people kept asking how big I’d get.

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

The dog has got more fun out of Man than Man has got out of the dog, for the clearly demonstrable reason that Man is the more laughable of the two animals.

(1894 – 1961) author, cartoonist & humorist