Subject: Intelligence » Memory (Page 3)

I think it would be interesting if old people got anti-Alzheimer's disease where they slowly began to recover other people's lost memories.

(1937 – 2008) stand-up comedian, social critic, actor & author

One who has a clear conscience has a foggy memory.

A man always remembers his first love with special tenderness, but after that he begins to bunch them.

(1880 – 1956) journalist, essayist, editor & satirist

A liar should have a good memory.

I have always had a bad memory, as far back as I can remember.

I had amnesia… once or twice.

Maybe that's all that family really is, a group of people who all miss the same imaginary place.

(1975 – ) actor, director, screenwriter & producer

The chance of forgetting something is directly proportional to… to…

Women and elephants never forget an injury.

I can’t think of anything worse after a night of drinking than waking up next to someone and not being able to remember their name, or how you met, or why they’re dead.

(1969 – ) American actress, comedian, producer & writer

Your marriage is in trouble if your wife says, “You're only interested in one thing,” and you can't remember what it is.

(1906 – 1972) pianist, composer, author, comedian & actor

When you become senile, you won't know it.

(1937 – ) comedian & television actor

It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything.

Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory.

(1889 – 1945) actor, author & humorist

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

I am in the prime of senility.

(1706 – 1790) American statesman, author, scientist & inventor

Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it.

(1533 – 1592) French writer

A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.

(1926 – ) newspaper columnist

You will need three umbrellas: one to leave at the office, one to leave at home, and one to leave on the train.

Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other never forgets them.

(1902 – 1971) American humorist & poet

The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once.

American entrepreneur & author