Subject: Murphy’s Laws (Page 5)

It is usually impractical to worry beforehand about interferences; if you have none, someone will make one for you.

Hot glass looks the same as cold glass.

1. If you want something badly, that's how you get it. 2. Many "get-rich-quick" schemes make millionaires – out of multi-millionaries.

Our customer's paperwork is profit. Our own paperwork is loss.

The first time you go out after your wife’s birthday, you will see the gift you gave her marked down fifty percent.
Corollary: If she’s with you, she’ll assume you chose it because it was cheap.

If you didn’t forget it, it’s the wrong size, backwards, inside out or out of reach.

At any particular time, there are more horse's asses in the world than horses.

If you know something can go wrong, and take due precaution to prevent it, something else will go wrong.

Every employee begins at his level of competence.

Money isn’t everything as long as you have enough.

Any object that is accidentally dropped will hide under a larger object.

2 is not equal to 3 – not even for very large values of 2.

No boss will keep an employee who is right all the time.

Kids used to ask you where they came from – now they tell you where to go.

Whenever you lose contact with the enemy, look behind you.

Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.

There are many inside dopes in politics and government.

Everyone who does not work has a scheme that does.

If at first you don't succeed, call in an airstrike.

It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take Hofstadter's Law into account.

An object will fall so as to do the most damage.