Subject: Definitions (Page 3)

Income Tax: The entry fee for the rat race.

Bureaucracy: A system that enables ten men to do the work of one.

Rummage Sale: Where you buy stuff from somebody else’s attic to store in your own.

Mouth: In man, the gateway to the soul; in woman, the outlet of the heart.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Abbreviation: Long word with, ironically, no obvious shorter alternative.

British writer, cartoonist, poet & performer

Widow: A woman who knows her husband’s whereabouts at all times.

Grandmother: A babysitter who doesn’t hang around the refrigerator.

Admiration: Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

University: A college with a stadium seating more than sixty thousand.

Bus: A vehicle that runs faster when you run after it and runs slowly when you are inside it.

Depression: A period in which you have no belt to tighten.

Eulogy: Praise that’s too much and too late.

Baker: A person who kneads the dough.

Strip Poker: A game in which the more you lose the more you have to show for it.

Satan: The scarecrow in the religious cornfield.

Stroke: Any forward movement of the golf club that is made with the intention of hitting and moving the ball and is observed by another golfer.

Limit: Maximum number of a particular fish that an angler can take in a day. This number varies from place to place and species to species, but it is a largely theoretical restriction with little practical application.

Pickpocket: A man who believes that every crowd has a silver lining.

Budget: A family quarrel.

Zircon: A diamond falsie.

Second Place: The first loser.