Subject: Definitions (Page 5)

CPR: An emergency exercise that helps concerned onlookers feel useful while the victim expires.

Litigant: A person about to give up his skin for the hope of retaining his bones.

Executive Ability: The art of getting the credit for all the hard work that somebody else does.

Marriage: The difference between painting the town and painting the back porch.

Falsies: A hope chest.

Window Dresser: A girl who doesn’t pull down the shades.

Slogan: A good old American substitute for the facts.

Foreword: An author’s apology.

Taxes: A funding method which allows people to test their powers of deduction.

Satan: The scarecrow in the religious cornfield.

Zucchini: Vegetable which can be baked, boiled, fried or steamed before kids refuse to eat it.

Convent: A place of retirement for women who wish for leisure to meditate upon the vice of idleness.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Shin: A device for finding furniture in the dark.

Perfume: What a woman hopes will make her the scenter of attention.

Pregnancy: The shape of things to come.

Diet: What helps a person gain weight more slowly.

Consult: To seek another's approval of a course already decided on.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Testosterone: Hormone which causes facial hair, muscularity, a deep voice, speeding tickets, the desire to watch professional wrestling, Arnold Shwarzenegger movies, war, fist fights, and the need to purchase cocktails for women with names like “Boom Boom.

Hip: Smartly attuned to the latest cutting-edge cliches.

(1950 – ) American author, satirist, webmaster & copywriter

Rite: A religious or semi-religious ceremony fixed by law, precept or custom, with the essential oil of sincerity carefully squeezed out of it.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist