Subject: Definitions (Page 76)

Spine: A long, limber bone. Your head sets on one end and you set on the other.

Middle Age: That period when a man begins to shed his hair, his teeth, and his illusions.

Rational: Devoid of all delusions save those of observation, experience and reflection.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

Cravings: An excuse to gluttonize your way through pregnancy.

Sanitation Worker: The title conferred on garbage men when they  started earning more than public school teachers.

Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

(1952 – 2001) English writer, dramatist, & musician

Casserole: A method used by ingenious cooks to get rid of leftovers.

Apparently: As either mother or father would do it.

Cavity: Empty space ready to be stuffed with dentist’s bills.

Diet: What helps a person gain weight more slowly.

Impotence: Nature’s way of saying “No Hard Feelings.”

Insanity: Grounds for divorce in some states; grounds for marriage in all

Advertising: The rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket.

Eric Arthur Blair (1903 – 50) English author & journalist

Courtship: A man pursuing a woman until she catches him.

Middle Age: A time of life when winking at a girl is closing one eye to reality.

Abbreviation: An inordinately long word in light of its meaning.

Vacation: A change of routine that makes you feel good enough to go back to work and poor enough to have to.

Congress: A place where there are too many Democratic congressmen, too many Republican congressmen – and not enough U.S. Congressmen.

Businessman: One who talks golf all morning at the office, and business all afternoon on the links.

Arsonist: A person who sets the world on fire… at least in a small way.

Government Bureau: Where the taxpayer’s shirt is kept.