Subject: Family (Page 8)

It’s better to be black than gay, because when you’re black you don’t have to tell your mother.

(1926 – 1999) actor, comedian & female impersonator

My father was a man of few words and I remember him saying to me, “Son…

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

Rich people bring a lawyer; Latinos and blacks bring their moms.

(1976 – ) comedian

When I was a boy, I laid in my twin size bed, wondering where my brother was.

(1968 – 2005) American stand-up comedian

The best ally you can have in breaking up a street fight is a grandmother.

(John Bloom) (1953 – ) American film critic, writer & actor

Socialite: Whatever possessed you to be born in a place like Lowell, Massachusetts?

Whistler: I wished to be near my mother.

(1834 – 1903) American-born, British-based artist

The father of the bride should realize he isn’t losing a daughter but gaining a bathroom.

I feel like having a baby and having a dog are pretty much the same except for the part where your vagina gets ruined.

(1982 – ) American actress & comedian

I don’t visit my parents often because Delta Airlines won’t wait in the yard while I run in.

stand-up comedian, actor, writer & producer

Let the kids pay it – they still owe us rent and gas money.

(1927 – 1997) Am. comedian & satirist notable for mock presidential campaign

My parents were very protective; I couldn’t even cross the street without them getting all excited and… placing bets.

(1956 – ) American comedian

I’ve got a long history of suicide in my family; the good news is it skips a generation, so, if I’m lucky, my kids will kill themselves.

(1978 – ) American writer & stand-up comedian

The number of person's relatives is directly proportional to his fame.

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.

(1937 – ) comedian & television actor

Friends are God’s apology for relations.

(1889 – 1949) British writer & journalist

I know how to do anything — I’m a mom.

(1952 – ) comedian, actress & writer

You might be a redneck if… you removed the back seat from your car so all yer kids could fit in.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

With Photoshop so readily available, there’s no reason ever to have a party for a two-year-old.

(1972 – ) stand-up comedian & writer

Teacher: A disillusioned woman who used to think she liked children.

Now the thing about having a baby – and I can’t be the first person to have noticed this – is that thereafter you have it.

(1922 – 2003) author & playwright

I think that maybe if women and children were in charge we would get somewhere.

(1894 – 1961) author, cartoonist & humorist