Subject: People (Page 117)

I used to be scared of pretty girls, until one confessed they’re just as scared of me.

(1956 – ) American comedian

There are three kinda men in the world; there’s men that own rope, men that use eye creme, and that dude from Nickelback.

(1963 – ) American comedian & author

Men, I feel, are like wine – before buying, a real connoisseur takes a small sip, and spits them out.

(1936 – 1993) British writer

A man could not be in two places at the same time unless he were a bird.

(1736 – 1807) Irish politician

All men are animals, but some make better pets than others.

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

The feller that calls you "Brother" generally wants something that don't belong to him.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

My dad drives so slow that when we’re on the highway, Amish people give us the finger.


It wasn't that no one asked me to the prom, it was that no one would tell me where it was.

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human kind.

(1917 – 1998) author, critic, animal rights activist

When I was 10, my pa told me never to talk to strangers; we haven’t spoken since.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

I don’t like Jew jokes and black jokes, and they make me very uncomfortable, probably because I’m both; well, I’m not black – but if I was then I could dance better.

(1983 – ) American comedian

Mother Teresa with better legs.

(1906 – 2002) Austrian journalist, filmmaker, screenwriter & producer

He rules the country with an iron fist – the same way he plays the piano.

(1903 – 2003) English-born American comedian & actor

During sex I fantasize that I'm someone else.

(1947 – ) comedian & actor

One year they asked me to be poster boy – for birth control.

(1921 – 2004) stand-up comedian & actor

Love thy neighbor as yourself, but choose your neighborhood.

(1867 – 1952) American actress

Asians are nice people, but they burn a lot of shirts.

(1926 – 2017) American stand-up comedian & actor

A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who never owned a car.

(1953 – ) American comedian, writer & actor

I go to New York and I saw a big sign saying “America Loves Smirnoff” and I said to myself, what a country!

(1951 – ) Soviet-American comedian

I miss being pampered.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

I think it would be interesting if old people got anti-Alzheimer's disease where they slowly began to recover other people's lost memories.

(1937 – 2008) stand-up comedian, social critic, actor & author