Subject: Government (Page 35)

Master of the Rolls: Really, Mr Smith, do give this Court credit for some little intelligence.

Smith: That is the mistake I made in the Court below, My Lord.

(1872 – 1930) British statesman, politician & lawyer

History buffs probably noted the reunion at a Washington party a few weeks ago of three ex-presidents: Carter, Ford, and Nixon – See No Evil, Hear No Evil, and Evil.

(1923 – ) U.S. senator (Kansas) & presidential candidate

The best reason I can think of for not running for President of the United States is that you have to shave twice a day.

(1900 – 1965) diplomat & Democratic politician

We have the greatest democracy in the world; of course, you don't have to win the election to become president, but don't nitpick this to death, alright?

(1953 – ) American comedian & writer

No matter what I do, literally nothing bad can happen to me; I’m like a white male U.S. senator.

(1971 – ) American actress, comedian, producer & writer

Republicans elect stupid leaders with brilliant staffs and Democrats produce brilliant presidents with stupid staffs.

(1950 – ) comedian & television host

The enemy never monitors your radio frequency until you broadcast on an unsecured channel.

Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.

(1923 – ) German-born diplomat & scholar

A sure sign of bureaucracy is when the first person who answers the phone can’t help you.

Politics: Where people work hard to get a job and do nothing after they get it.

History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.

(1915 – 2002) Israeli diplomat & politician

Anything you can do can get you killed – including doing nothing.

Legal: Used to mean lawful; now it means some kind of loophole.

It’s like carrying frogs in a wheelbarrow.

(1946 – ) British politician

A libertarian is just a Republican who takes drugs.

(1951 – ) American anarchist writer

There’s no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you.

(1879 – 1935) humorist & social commentator

You might be a redneck if… ya can't get married to yer sweetheart 'cause there is a law against it.

(1958 – ) stand-up comedian & television personality

When the enemy is closing, the artillery will always be long

A statesman is any politician it’s considered safe to name a school after.

(1915 – 1977) columnist, writer & actor

Don’t draw fire, it irritates the people around you.

A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age.

(1874 – 1963) American poet