Author: Anonymous Page 153

If you put his brain in a gnat's butt, it would fly backwards.

 “My parents are called Billy and Nanny,” Tom kidded.

Marriage is bliss… Ignorance is bliss… Ergo…

“This wind is awful,” blustered Tom.

“I’ve got sand in my dinner,” said Tom grittily.

Jim Rosenthal to an American goalie: So what’s an American doing playing in goal for Millwall.

The goalie’s reply: I’m trying to keep the ball out.

Close the barn door after you've led the horse to water.

Family Planning: Having all your children while their grandparents are still young enough to be babysitters.

Class Reunion: A gathering where you come to the conclusion that most of the people your own age are a lot older than you are.

Car Pool: Complicated system of transportation where Mom always winds up going the furthest with the biggest bunch of kids who have had the most sugar.

“I’ve deduced that this is the right way,” said Tom pathologically.

My husband could have had any women he pleased – he just couldn't please any!

A sure sign of bureaucracy is when the first person who answers the phone can’t help you.

All's well that ends.

Bridge: A game in which a wife is always eager to do her husband’s bidding.

She is so short… you can see her feet on her driver's license picture.

Bankruptcy: A fate worse than debt.

Glutton: A person who takes the piece of French pastry you wanted.

Specialist: A doctor whose patients are expected to confine their ailments to office hours.

Nobody who can read is ever successful at cleaning out the attic.

The city is negotiating with the railway so it can take over the maintenance of the right away.