Subject: Proverbs (Page 7)

A clean house is a sign of a misspent life.

Absence makes the heart go wander.

The one who snores will fall asleep first.

God is good, but never dance in a small boat.

A good painter need not give a name to his picture, a bad one must.

The fights you avoid do you far more good than the ones you will win.

If you are a host to your guest, be a host to his dog also.

To err is human, to forgive is human.

If you want something done, ask a busy person.

You may laugh at a friend’s roof; don’t laugh at his sleeping accomodation.

Live with wolves, and you learn to howl.

If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.

Timing has an awful lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.

If all else fails, try the obvious.

Don't stand behind a coughing cow.

A dog is wiser than a woman; it doesn’t bark at its master.

Age is a very high price to pay for maturity.

No physician is really good before he has killed one or two patients.

Jimmy Carr My father always used to say, ‘What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger’… Until the accident.”

(1972 – ) Anglo-Irish comedian, writer & actor

May you come to the attention of the authorities.

Friends are like fiddle-strings and they must not be screwed too tightly.